The governance token of the BattleFly Network.

gFLY Token

What is gFLY?

gFLY is the governance token of the BattleFly Network which both powers and governs the network. It has a fixed supply of 10M tokens.

The gFLY token enables holders to participate in decision making of BattleFly DAO, and additionally underpins provable fairness of the BattleFly Network games by acting as a source of entropy for the core RNG engine.


The BattleFly Network that is governed by gFLY is comprised of the following domains:


BattleFly Games

The development of web3 games, currently including BattleFly Battlegrounds, BattleFly Racer and other properties that the DAO may elect to develop in the future using the BattleFly codebase and IP.

BattleFly Treasury

Holdings in:


  • ARB

  • PSI

  • USDC

  • Treasure and Bridgeworld NFTs

  • DeFrag Metamaticians NFTs

  • gFLY reserves (1.5m gFLY)


A competitive, gamified governance token protocol that distributes rewards to gFLY holders.

Yield Generation

BattleFly DAO may generate yield for gFLY holders and stakers from the following activities:


BattleFly Games

Fees earned from the provision of web3 games, including:

  • New mints of BattleFly NFTs

  • Mod Packs, Battle Passes

  • Per-battle fees generated by the network from BattleFly Games

  • Emissions earned from tokens staked by users.

BattleFly Treasury

  • MAGIC emissions earned by the Treasury

  • MAGIC earned from the trading of Bridgeworld NFTs.


Fees generated.


Fees earned from the sale of BattleFly merchandise.

More details on the gFLY token can be found in the gFLY Tokenmics Overview.

Last updated